Chemical Peels

  • This anti-aging, moderate-depth peel contains a blend of salicylic, lactic, and trichloracetic acid (TCA) in combination with retinol cream, all of which causes sloughing of the damaged topmost layers of skin. It penetrates the epidermis and upper dermis to promote the turnover of cells and stimulate the production of collagen, while restoring moisture balance.

  • A VI Peel is a moderate-depth chemical peel that may improve your skin texture and improve signs of aging. It uses a blend of ingredients that include salicylic acid, TCA, and phenol. You can get a VI Peel as frequently as every 4 to 6 weeks, and it can be used on all skin types. To achieve ideal results and for the skin’s safety, our providers recommend prepping the skin for four to six weeks prior to treatment. Adherence to the proper skincare regimen before the procedure can enhance effectiveness and protect the skin from unintended damage.

    Most patients tolerate the ZO 3-Step Peel with only minor discomfort, experiencing a mild to moderate burning sensation for five to 10 minutes.

    Acute healing that lasts for approximately one week involves redness for two to three days and peeling for three to five days, although it is not necessary to hide at home. You should avoid exercise, excessive sweating, and sun exposure for one to two weeks following the ZO 3-Step Peel.

    We suggest a series of at least three treatments spaced four to six weeks apart, depending on the reason for treatment.

What are chemical peels?

At Premier Medspa, we offer chemical peels as a highly effective skin rejuvenation treatment. Chemical peels involve the application of a chemical solution to the skin, which gently exfoliates the outer layer, revealing a smoother, more radiant complexion. This treatment can help improve the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, acne scars, and uneven skin tone. With various levels of intensity available, our skilled estheticians can customize the treatment to meet individual skincare needs.

Renew your skin with chemical peels

Chemical peels offer a multitude of benefits for achieving smooth, radiant skin. By gently removing the top layer of damaged skin, these treatments can effectively diminish signs of aging, sun damage, and acne scars. Additionally, chemical peels promote collagen production, resulting in improved skin texture and firmness. Whether you're seeking to minimize fine lines, even out skin tone, or unclog pores, chemical peels are a versatile solution for rejuvenating your skin's appearance. Unveil a fresh, youthful complexion through the transformative power of chemical peels.

What to expect during your treatment.

A chemical peel is a customizable skincare procedure designed to improve skin texture, reduce fine lines, and fade discoloration. During the treatment, a skilled aesthetician will apply a solution to gently exfoliate the skin, removing dead cells and stimulating collagen production. You can expect a tingling sensation as the solution works its magic, followed by a mild peeling or flaking in the days following the treatment.

Reveal a more radiant, youthful complexion as you bid farewell to dull, tired skin. Trust Premier Medspa to deliver safe, effective chemical peel treatments tailored to your unique skincare needs.